Empowering the neurodivergent


Enhances the lives of neurodivergent individuals by providing resources and support for a more inclusive society.

  • Empowerment
  • Advocacy
  • Collaboration
Empowerment & Development

Empower the

Run programs aimed at empowering neurodivergent individuals through vocational training, job placement, remedial learning, arts and culture, therapy, and grants.

Stakeholder Support

Strengthening the Support Network

Parent support, training trainers, SEN symposiums, identifying and promoting technology for learning, and supporting facilities and initiatives.

Community Engagement & Partnerships

Building an inclusive

Through SEN Symposium and collaboration with various organisations and institutions to create a more inclusive and supportive environment.

Advocacy & Awareness

Championing Neurodiversity

Raise awareness and advocate for the neurodivergent community. Initiatives include R&D for advocacy or projects, exhibitions, speaking, and sharing.

Our Strategic Imperatives

Empowering Neurodivergent Individuals

Given the accumulated experiences of the various Kiwanis Clubs in Malaysia, our specialized kiwanians and our colloborators, KKJF aims to serve the neurodivergent community through the initiatives below.  Some of these initiatives have already been implemented by Kiwanis Clubs at various levels of success. 

Fostering Unity and Collaboration with Our Dedicated Partners
Our Centers

A Beacon of Hope for Special Needs Children